

January 25th, 2021

thegalaxywolf has drawn 198 drawings and authored 196 captions across 394 games. They follow 15 players and have 7 followers. They've earned a total of 521 emotes!


Commented in the game Stop Sign

Commented in the game pawprints make the agender flag

Commented in the game Pet Mailbox

Commented in the game Coinception

Commented in the game pirate found a treasure

Commented in the game Lego Shoe

Commented in the game Kitty Climbing

Commented in the game Step 1:Kiss your longtime waifu

Commented in the game Driving with a Cup

Commented in the game Man has a big forehead

Commented in the game Swimming with a Salad

Commented in the game battle for dream island!

Commented in the game Designer

Commented in the game Toast Surgeon

Commented in the game Tired Professor