Commented in the game Octopi
Commented in the game Magic Carpet Ride
Commented in the game A round bomb with a moustache
Commented in the game Nessie turns out to be real, but he's lame
Commented in the game Sextember
Commented in the game Computer Game
Commented in the game A snake eating an elephant
Commented in the game Creationism
Commented in the game Jack Nicholson raising his eyebrows
Commented in the game Happy Gilmore tees off on the moon.
Commented in the game Baby takes her first steps
Commented in the game The magic beans
Commented in the game Man swallows balloon.
Commented in the game A Panda thumb-wrestling a Nurse.
Commented in the game Kangaroo playing Draw Something
Commented in the game Two Praying Mantises in a Boxing Match
Commented in the game Bubblegum Light Rail