
yashiro nene

March 7th, 2021

yashiro nene has drawn 138 drawings and authored 118 captions across 256 games. They follow 29 players and have 17 followers. They've earned a total of 744 emotes!


Commented in the game Robot wearing a robe

Commented in the game Cute Ghost Bee

Commented in the game Garfield wearing Shoes

Commented in the game Garfield wearing Shoes

Commented in the game Garfield wearing Shoes

Commented in the game Horse in a Bottle

Commented in the game Classy Anglerfish

Commented in the game Ladybug digging with a Spring

Commented in the game Archaeologist

Commented in the game Yu-Gi-Oh

Commented in the game Nemo Sneezing

Commented in the game Crow from your Nightmares

Commented in the game Illustrator Box Art

Commented in the game Injured Chips

Commented in the game Aggressive Eel

Commented in the game Crow from your Nightmares