

May 10th, 2021   Obama

bigbruhman has drawn 81 drawings and authored 305 captions across 386 games. They follow 16 players and have 6 followers. They've earned a total of 1,080 emotes!

Eating a large cake with scissors May 25th, 2021
Space shuttle approaches words in space May 18th, 2021
the fbi confiscates your laptop May 18th, 2021
Goofy knows Mickey(bloodied) murdered someone May 18th, 2021
man yelling at bart simpson for dine n dashin May 18th, 2021
peter griffin poo accident May 18th, 2021
Bald siren crying for help May 18th, 2021
"Objection!" May 18th, 2021
Dog that looks like a money smokes weed May 18th, 2021
Sad Mario May 18th, 2021
hand slams downwards May 17th, 2021
Toothpaste going on toothbrush May 17th, 2021
House abandons family May 17th, 2021
red bed, pink pillow May 17th, 2021
shiny trash can May 17th, 2021
mammoth ate ALL the grass May 17th, 2021
HAHA, MARIO IS SHORT XD alexa play despacito May 17th, 2021
Skeleton creeping up behind a man May 16th, 2021