

April 13th, 2012   Chicago, Illinois

Chris7512 has drawn 47 drawings and authored 45 captions across 92 games. They follow 1 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 149 emotes!

Jay and silent bob with downs in canada May 5th, 2012
Caveman riding a wooly mammoth. May 5th, 2012
Little Talking House May 5th, 2012
Ketchup bottle at the shooting range May 4th, 2012
hulk hogan eats a pizza slice May 4th, 2012
Joker decorates two grumpy tree stumps May 4th, 2012
Smug carrot May 3rd, 2012
Angelic Pickle May 3rd, 2012
Superman hates Sideface Batman 'n lettuc May 3rd, 2012
time to knit May 2nd, 2012
Ned Stark loses his head May 2nd, 2012
Nonchalant Cat May 1st, 2012
robin ogles she-batman Apr 30th, 2012
[ NSFW (18+) Game ] Apr 30th, 2012
Genie and backpacker eat pig Apr 30th, 2012
Space Combat in Eve Online - Rifter VS Drake Apr 29th, 2012
banana is in love with the frog Apr 29th, 2012
Batman is confronted by black Katy Perry Apr 29th, 2012