

April 15th, 2012   Larkspur, California

ArtistFormerlyKnownAsJef has drawn 3,115 drawings and authored 207 captions across 3,322 games. They follow 35 players and have 943 followers. They've earned a total of 39,797 emotes!


Commented in the game Lever in a dungeon

Commented in the game Felix the Cat

Commented in the game Darth Vader Bunnygirl

Commented in the game Moldy Mozart

Commented in the game Moldy Mozart

Commented in the game Train

Commented in the game Train

Commented in the game Train

Commented in the game Notebook in my Soup

Commented in the game Shirt

Commented in the game Six Flags Over Heaven

Commented in the game Scottish Hell

Commented in the game Lo-pan

Commented in the game Darth Vader Bunnygirl

Commented in the game Garbageman Packaging

Commented in the game Wonder Doctor

Commented in the game Pope Benedict XVI

Commented in the game Pope Benedict XVI

Commented in the game Lana Del Rey