

April 15th, 2012   US

chresi has drawn 13 drawings and authored 31 captions across 44 games. They follow 1 players and have 2 followers. They've earned a total of 65 emotes!

round green eyeball monster is scared Aug 6th, 2012
Viruses can't infect iPods Jun 19th, 2012
rapping kool aid man May 19th, 2012
Modern art of bearded man with glasses May 13th, 2012
Ballpen. May 13th, 2012
Blue Easter Eggs: Think about Molesters May 12th, 2012
Ghost escapes local pac-man jail May 12th, 2012
watching time stand still May 4th, 2012
facebook users May 4th, 2012
A pokeball turns gumby into purple melted goo Apr 21st, 2012
Space cloud firing a laser Apr 15th, 2012
Wallace and Gromit practice zero gravity stunts Apr 15th, 2012
Critic thinks Transformers 2 is a bad movie Apr 15th, 2012