

April 19th, 2012   Chicago

EvilJohn6699 has drawn 883 drawings and authored 454 captions across 1,337 games. They follow 3 players and have 9 followers. They've earned a total of 5,304 emotes!


Commented in the game Scuzzlebutt

Commented in the game Batman is allergic to cats

Commented in the game Sexy peacock

Commented in the game Be careful out there

Commented in the game Accordion Thief

Commented in the game Death Becomes Her

Commented in the game Ducks, the kings of the universe

Commented in the game ZombieLand II "Human Apocalypse"

Commented in the game Shogun is da Master

Commented in the game Bubble boy rolls down hill

Commented in the game The perfect gift

Commented in the game My Girlfriend

Commented in the game Felicia Day With a Chainsaw!

Commented in the game Why was 6 afraid of 7?

Commented in the game Angels in the Outfield

Commented in the game Pinkie Pie becomes a vampire

Commented in the game a Filipino musical