

April 20th, 2012

Jerrrrr has drawn 40 drawings and authored 35 captions across 75 games. They follow 4 players and have 6 followers. They've earned a total of 331 emotes!

Snoopy with a yellow pencil & red hat May 24th, 2012
Freddie Mercury is King of music May 24th, 2012
Ugly goat writes sheet music for a fee. May 23rd, 2012
ant with mini-explosion on its head May 16th, 2012
Fish acknowledges key to universe May 16th, 2012
Y isn't accepted into vowel gang in game May 15th, 2012
Previously on FRINGE May 15th, 2012
Delicious cankles May 15th, 2012
The Sun finds its grandmother on Playboy May 15th, 2012
Batman is forever alone May 15th, 2012
fatcat ponders fat cat May 15th, 2012
Troll Museum May 15th, 2012
Mike Tyson lumberjack kill blonde May 15th, 2012
Ruby slippers, or boogie shoes May 2nd, 2012
eating under a mountain May 2nd, 2012
Thunder(lol)Cats May 2nd, 2012
If I Were The King Of The Forest... Apr 30th, 2012
Sliced up snake tells green tyre: "GO!" Apr 28th, 2012