

April 21st, 2012   California

Guy_ has drawn 14 drawings and authored 8 captions across 22 games. They follow 11 players and have 2 followers. They've earned a total of 93 emotes!

Frog Vader beheads Leia with lightsaber Sep 21st, 2012
kermit the frog at the olympics Sep 21st, 2012
Fat Albert punches Pilsbury Dough Buddha Sep 18th, 2012
super cow commands sun to vaporize earth Sep 15th, 2012
Shrunken Mario in an office May 28th, 2012
Jamie of Mythbusters holds up Lady May 28th, 2012
Trainer tries to catch poisoned scyther. May 27th, 2012
pikachu and charmander at a (9) May 27th, 2012
Fat cat with 2 legs stands next to books May 27th, 2012
Girl and Slenderman find buried treasure May 27th, 2012
Ninja mouse holds black heart ,wears high heels Apr 22nd, 2012
frog with guitar laughing at drowning friend Apr 22nd, 2012
A gumball machine is stranded in the desert! Apr 22nd, 2012
Drawception taking a test it hasn't studied for Apr 22nd, 2012