

March 29th, 2012

Lusse has drawn 14 drawings and authored 6 captions across 20 games. They follow 0 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 9 emotes!

Four prawns having a dance off. Mar 31st, 2012
flamboyant old woman believes this is bullshit Mar 31st, 2012
Awww yeah Jersey yeah!! Mar 31st, 2012
Unrequited love from a Dell to a Mac. Mar 31st, 2012
2 pimp dancing to Nights at the Roxbury song Mar 31st, 2012
Black farmer upset over afropillar infestation Mar 29th, 2012
triangle kamikazes sushi Mar 29th, 2012
Man thinking of kissing Egyptian hieroglyphics Mar 29th, 2012
The secret of the Stone Masons: Duct tape Mar 29th, 2012
Darkwing Duck VS Scrooge McDuck Mar 29th, 2012
Unborn child tries to escape the womb! Mar 29th, 2012
Drug dealer goes clean selling carrots to bunny Mar 29th, 2012
Lonely white man in a black world Mar 29th, 2012
Naked Dr. Katz pees on a tree. Dog keeps watch Mar 29th, 2012