Commented in the game Darn You, Auto Correct!
Commented in the game Dr. Claw teams up with Carmen Sandiego
Commented in the game Internet trolls
Commented in the game Just won auction on eBay!
Commented in the game Batman's Ultimate Weapon: DANCE!!
Commented in the game Charlie Brown kicks Arnold's football head.
Commented in the game Clefable gazes into the moonlight
Commented in the game Boba Fett is the Best!
Commented in the game Dreary Cobblestone Alley
Commented in the game Stereotypes
Commented in the game Calvin and Hobbes the teenaged years.
Commented in the game Marilyn Monroe pictures on wall with kiss mark
Commented in the game Ants go a little too far to get picnic goodies
Commented in the game The Cheshire Cat, messing with your mind.
Commented in the game The most over rated Star Wars character.
Commented in the game Sigmund Freud analyzes DC games
Commented in the game Rush Limbaugh plays the theremin
Commented in the game Same love.
Commented in the game Same love.
Commented in the game something something dc vet insertion something