

April 26th, 2012   Dapper Crab Mansion, The Sea

GentlemanCrab has drawn 229 drawings and authored 36 captions across 265 games. They follow 31 players and have 77 followers. They've earned a total of 3,650 emotes!


Commented in the game Happy Tree Friends

Commented in the game Happy Tree Friends

Commented in the game Corvax is a ninja

Commented in the game ♪ Orcish orchestra ♪

Commented in the game ♪ Orcish orchestra ♪

Commented in the game ♪ Orcish orchestra ♪

Commented in the game ♪ Orcish orchestra ♪

Commented in the game CRABS!

Commented in the game Party rock is in the house tonight

Commented in the game Party rock is in the house tonight

Commented in the game got any grapes?

Commented in the game Team Fortress 2 has hats!

Commented in the game "SnooPING AS usual, I see!"

Commented in the game Scareadactyl.

Commented in the game Dovahkiin cat