

April 27th, 2012   Bahstan

taekwondogirl has drawn 367 drawings and authored 76 captions across 443 games. They follow 53 players and have 69 followers. They've earned a total of 4,125 emotes!


Commented in the game Shimmy Shimmy Ya

Commented in the game Hodor hodor hodor hodor

Commented in the game Hodor hodor hodor hodor

Commented in the game Taking a wok

Commented in the game Taking a wok

Commented in the game Taking a wok

Commented in the game Darth Vader - I Regret Nothing

Commented in the game Old Spice guy is on a horse

Commented in the game The Unbearable Lightness of Being

Commented in the game Big Bird learned Telekenisis

Commented in the game How Death Note Should Have Ended

Commented in the game The Unbearable Lightness of Being

Commented in the game Deep Space Floating Head

Commented in the game Weinerdog ate too much.

Commented in the game Weasel Wardance

Commented in the game derpy loves muffins!

Commented in the game Screwattack beating Dorkly!