

April 27th, 2012   Bahstan

taekwondogirl has drawn 367 drawings and authored 76 captions across 443 games. They follow 53 players and have 69 followers. They've earned a total of 4,125 emotes!


Commented in the game Dust Catcher

Commented in the game One does not simply Pass Go

Commented in the game Hitting rock bottom

Commented in the game The Godfather

Commented in the game Gnome picnic

Commented in the game The Godfather

Commented in the game rock paper scissors cat

Commented in the game texting while driving

Commented in the game texting while driving

Commented in the game Cadash

Commented in the game Cadash

Commented in the game rock paper scissors cat

Commented in the game texting while driving

Commented in the game texting while driving

Commented in the game Why we are here?

Commented in the game texting while driving

Commented in the game James bond + solid snake