

April 27th, 2012   Bahstan

taekwondogirl has drawn 367 drawings and authored 76 captions across 443 games. They follow 53 players and have 69 followers. They've earned a total of 4,125 emotes!


Commented in the game I am full of blood :o

Commented in the game Snape kills Dumbledoor

Commented in the game I am full of blood :o

Commented in the game Why must the weekend end?

Commented in the game Why must the weekend end?

Commented in the game Robot Sex

Commented in the game Darkwing Duck

Commented in the game Xena

Commented in the game Atlas trial

Commented in the game League of Legends

Commented in the game Panel 2 starts the game

Commented in the game Dark Elf Mohawk

Commented in the game Robot Sex

Commented in the game Sauron has an eye test

Commented in the game Drawception memes playing poker.