

April 30th, 2012   DE

sirprize has drawn 116 drawings and authored 146 captions across 262 games. They follow 2 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 234 emotes!

Quarterback Draw-ception? May 31st, 2012
Tour bus near the Leaning Tower of Pisa May 24th, 2012
Theme: Geek May 19th, 2012
Diablo III Apr 14th, 2012
Funny Tiger hitting Guy with Lollipop May 13th, 2012
Rainbow unicorn destroys the world May 10th, 2012
In soviet russia, moon jumps cows May 9th, 2012
100 stick-men May 8th, 2012
A carrot is eating a parrot May 2nd, 2012
Speed Racer: The Movie May 2nd, 2012
I've set my laser from stun to kill. May 2nd, 2012
Sunlight sears shadowy seeker's soul May 2nd, 2012
The real reason we went to the moon May 2nd, 2012
That's no spacestation, it's a moon! May 1st, 2012
Michael Jackson rides a peacock. May 1st, 2012
Token black guy in zombie film dies 1st May 1st, 2012
Stewie on the Titanic May 1st, 2012
Tyrion on cocaine May 1st, 2012