

April 30th, 2012   Lawrence, Kansas

Forestferret has drawn 368 drawings and authored 372 captions across 740 games. They follow 4 players and have 3 followers. They've earned a total of 1,002 emotes!


Commented in the game TV News is Dumb

Commented in the game Bad easter egg

Commented in the game San Francisco

Commented in the game Pig extracts revenge on farmer

Commented in the game Stormtrooper fail!

Commented in the game Stormtrooper fail!

Commented in the game CAN I SHOW YOU MY POKEMANS?!

Commented in the game Code Hero!!

Commented in the game Bin Laden rides a giant frog

Commented in the game A Tree laughs at spider walk.

Commented in the game If 70's Elvis was a cat...

Commented in the game The Doctor Seuss Rap Troupe

Commented in the game sharks playing poker

Commented in the game Migratory coconuts

Commented in the game ADAMANTIUM RAGE!!!!!

Commented in the game Felicia Day carving an ice swan

Commented in the game Sleeping with the fishes

Commented in the game What does the Pope do for fun?