

April 30th, 2012

Octaviano has drawn 72 drawings and authored 46 captions across 118 games. They follow 2 players and have 3 followers. They've earned a total of 313 emotes!

Half green half red giant throws 2 lades May 29th, 2012
Chuck Is a Moron May 28th, 2012
truth will be revealed less than 1/2 hr May 28th, 2012
The princess in another castle..pooping May 28th, 2012
Superman being super May 28th, 2012
Magikarp used splash but nothing happens May 28th, 2012
Fat Batman steals green utensils May 28th, 2012
Call GEIKO if your pet burns down May 28th, 2012
Bicycle beats broken-down school bus May 28th, 2012
Smoking cat behind bars. May 28th, 2012
Fire shaped like bear paws is prohibited May 28th, 2012
shit sale at the beach May 28th, 2012
Hammer drops on green no. 5 domino May 28th, 2012
Barney doesn't get Roman numerals. May 28th, 2012
Guy shocked by the power of alien fish May 28th, 2012
The planets are racist May 28th, 2012
The new TMNT: Robinangelo May 28th, 2012
Aliens question existance of Jesus May 28th, 2012