

May 1st, 2012   Boredom

Jessica5188 has drawn 365 drawings and authored 432 captions across 797 games. They follow 0 players and have 5 followers. They've earned a total of 1,488 emotes!


Commented in the game Carry On My Wayward Son...

Commented in the game I'm So Meta Even This Acronym

Commented in the game killing time

Commented in the game Batman wants to be in The Avengers

Commented in the game upstanding citizen

Commented in the game How I Met Your Mother

Commented in the game America's Next Top Hooker (GTA)

Commented in the game It's a god awful small affair

Commented in the game It's a god awful small affair

Commented in the game Fermi's Golden Rule

Commented in the game Hitler in a dress

Commented in the game Hitler in a dress

Commented in the game Abbalanche!

Commented in the game Zombie actor bemoans typecasting