Commented in the game Do the Shepard!
Commented in the game Adorable Koala
Commented in the game i just blue myself
Commented in the game The Sims
Commented in the game Spielberg directs Calvin & Hobbes movie
Commented in the game Start studying you lazy ass!
Commented in the game Ketchup Vs. Mustard
Commented in the game a Zealot wearing sunglasses
Commented in the game Booster Gold
Commented in the game A flamingo wearing a top hat.
Commented in the game A french guy who talk to a pig
Commented in the game The Sistine Chapel
Commented in the game trolls on a trampoline
Commented in the game Cloud drinks a potion
Commented in the game A tree hugging a bear
Commented in the game Portal 1: Bottom of the ocean. Portal 2: Moon.
Commented in the game rock paper shotgun