

May 3rd, 2012   Thunder Bay, Ontario

ArieruChan has drawn 75 drawings and authored 55 captions across 130 games. They follow 3 players and have 2 followers. They've earned a total of 207 emotes!

'Tis but a Flesh Wound! May 7th, 2012
Black Velvetopia May 6th, 2012
Iron Pickaxe May 6th, 2012
Depressed Pikachu drinks whiskey. Apr 24th, 2012
Ministry of Silly Walks May 1st, 2012
Jennifer Aniston and a Velociraptor Apr 29th, 2012
bring me a shrubbery! May 5th, 2012
Steve Job's ghost kills Bill Gates May 4th, 2012
+5 to sexterity, oh yeah May 4th, 2012
World Of Warcraft. The Musical. May 4th, 2012
Indiana Jones and the kinda used penny May 4th, 2012
Make it so May 4th, 2012
Cheese! It's what's for dinner. May 4th, 2012
You are a pirate! May 4th, 2012
World of Warcraft Player May 3rd, 2012
a broken umbrella May 3rd, 2012