

May 4th, 2012   Lyon, France

Deelight has drawn 89 drawings and authored 107 captions across 196 games. They follow 2 players and have 5 followers. They've earned a total of 626 emotes!

XD May 9th, 2012
walking in circles May 9th, 2012
Drawception addiction intervention May 9th, 2012
Banana wears blue shirt with red "Abba" May 9th, 2012
cactus man eats dewalt drill May 9th, 2012
Apple has the big bucks! May 9th, 2012
pope does lines May 9th, 2012
palm trees in the sun before noon :S May 9th, 2012
anthropologist May 9th, 2012
E.T. May 9th, 2012
Headless Headphones May 9th, 2012
A hummingbird weighs less than a penny. May 9th, 2012
Jesus Christ Transformer May 8th, 2012
Ironman makes rock for rockpaperscissors May 8th, 2012
clean man is intrested in guillotine May 8th, 2012
Marshmallow Murder investigation May 8th, 2012
ship traveling through space and time May 8th, 2012
Time flies May 8th, 2012