

May 6th, 2012   London, United Kingdom

Steflon has drawn 22 drawings and authored 21 captions across 43 games. They follow 0 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 71 emotes!

Charlie Chaplin working at McD's May 15th, 2012
beaver&sidekick toad perform mind contro May 9th, 2012
Giraffe wanders into a swimming pool May 8th, 2012
potter is magic no more, snape mocks May 8th, 2012
melancholic donkey strangles tigger May 8th, 2012
2 guys throw up stars on edge of cliff May 8th, 2012
Watership Down 2. Hazel's Revenge. May 8th, 2012
A minotaur entering the sea May 7th, 2012
Repunzel hangs man trying to climb hair May 7th, 2012
1930's Mickey: 'imma kill that bitch' May 6th, 2012
Giant bunny gets hit by airplane May 6th, 2012
A red potato on an island May 6th, 2012
lost sock sees himself on missing poster May 6th, 2012
Sad green domo May 6th, 2012
Effeminate black man with expensive hat May 6th, 2012
lacrosse platypusses celebrate halloween May 6th, 2012
Spiderman doing household chores May 6th, 2012
PedoLionKingBear like a sir May 6th, 2012