

May 7th, 2012   Saint Catharines, Ontario

Drakardus has drawn 36 drawings and authored 51 captions across 87 games. They follow 1 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 156 emotes!

Helicopters chase bank robber Jul 19th, 2012
Metaphase! Jul 19th, 2012
D teaches d about you're/your Jul 19th, 2012
rocket going to the moon with two antena Jun 19th, 2012
Scream is blingin' out in the HooD Jun 14th, 2012
Security Guard jokes with Invisible Dog. Jun 6th, 2012
dog with sexy hair says sorry May 27th, 2012
Captain America should retire. May 27th, 2012
spidey take a coffee with venom May 27th, 2012
There is no secret cow level May 27th, 2012
The Rock May 20th, 2012
intergalactic fireworks entertain moon May 19th, 2012
A guy out of Naruto May 17th, 2012
Fish develops Laser Vision May 15th, 2012
emo kid commits suicide May 15th, 2012
Knives Chau attacks Ramona Flowers May 14th, 2012
Harry Potter only charges $50 May 13th, 2012
A cartoon version of youself May 11th, 2012