

May 7th, 2012   France

Edward7137 has drawn 30 drawings and authored 32 captions across 62 games. They follow 1 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 24 emotes!

Cardinal wearing a pimpin' cross necklace Aug 15th, 2013
the flying key in the first harry potter Aug 15th, 2013
Oscar The Grouch on top of a station wagon Jul 31st, 2013
a dog with Conan O'Brien's hair Jul 31st, 2013
Sailboat crossing the finish line. Jul 31st, 2013
Now you're just Bee'ing rasist! Jun 18th, 2012
Future gas pumper May 17th, 2012
Craziest cat lady. May 17th, 2012
Jurassic Park May 17th, 2012
Small green rabbits flowing from tap May 17th, 2012
ring ring ring ring ring BANANA PHONE May 14th, 2012
zombie sheep thinking May 12th, 2012
Ron is worried about confused Luna May 12th, 2012
Devil loves his Espresso May 12th, 2012
Nazi Penguin May 11th, 2012
your mom is a firework rack May 10th, 2012
Resort Pamphlet was written by Trolols May 10th, 2012
PC load letter?  WTF DOES THAT MEAN?!!! May 9th, 2012