

May 9th, 2012

waterdude125 has drawn 121 drawings and authored 131 captions across 252 games. They follow 6 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 385 emotes!


Commented in the game Bowerbird interrogates terrorist

Commented in the game Dr.Horrible vs.Captain Hammer

Commented in the game i live in your underwear drawer..

Commented in the game The Beatles were more than friends

Commented in the game Lets go to the mall!

Commented in the game When does the narwhal bacon?

Commented in the game Putin is secretly Stalin in disguise

Commented in the game Mousie Tunes

Commented in the game NATURAL TWENTY!!!

Commented in the game SOPA and PIPA battle for dominance

Commented in the game Will it be my friend?

Commented in the game SOPA and PIPA battle for dominance

Commented in the game Twix goes to Las Vegas

Commented in the game Dr.Horrible vs.Captain Hammer

Commented in the game Game of Thrones

Commented in the game What if...

Commented in the game What if...

Commented in the game Will it be my friend?