

May 9th, 2012

waterdude125 has drawn 121 drawings and authored 131 captions across 252 games. They follow 6 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 385 emotes!


Commented in the game Emo vs Jaguar

Commented in the game Worthless machinery

Commented in the game willy wonka the vampire

Commented in the game The Technodrome

Commented in the game Sandslash, My little pocket-monster!

Commented in the game The Technodrome

Commented in the game cloning of Mew gone horribly wrong

Commented in the game I am SYNDROME!

Commented in the game First meme that comes to your head

Commented in the game shoop da whoop

Commented in the game Troy and Abed in the Morning!

Commented in the game Rihanna's singing sinks the ship

Commented in the game Turtle sad at lack of mayonnaise

Commented in the game Turtle sad at lack of mayonnaise

Commented in the game Dancing in the Stars