

March 29th, 2012   Belmont, California

Danger18194 has drawn 99 drawings and authored 231 captions across 330 games. They follow 18 players and have 13 followers. They've earned a total of 662 emotes!


Commented in the game Voldemort can't stop the rock

Commented in the game Beesus, our lord and savior

Commented in the game Girl melts into a puddle

Commented in the game Beesus, our lord and savior

Commented in the game god dang furries!

Commented in the game Cookie Mama

Commented in the game Girl melts into a puddle

Commented in the game Sick beets (literally)

Commented in the game Don't tempt me Frodo!

Commented in the game Don't tempt me Frodo!

Commented in the game Prophecy Girl

Commented in the game Fool of a Took!

Commented in the game emotional letters of the alphabet

Commented in the game The sentry is a spy!

Commented in the game design the ultimate friend