

May 17th, 2012   Stirling

Sarak has drawn 19 drawings and authored 20 captions across 39 games. They follow 1 players and have 2 followers. They've earned a total of 140 emotes!

Man does Ritual for the sun at an altar May 23rd, 2012
Wiiiiii, flying on a manticoreeee May 23rd, 2012
Darth Vader helmet goes Batman May 23rd, 2012
guy confused by sideways city May 20th, 2012
Daleks exterminate while Doctor educates May 20th, 2012
No, I am your [gay] father. May 20th, 2012
Wizard pushes King into a sewer May 20th, 2012
Old Tron Guy falls off the edge May 19th, 2012
Diablo 3 Comes to Life! May 17th, 2012
smartphones finally take over,drink gin May 17th, 2012
homeless boy punching a priest May 17th, 2012
Satan holding scared rock May 17th, 2012
Super mario with green hat May 17th, 2012
Link screams;Tatl being eaten zombie. May 17th, 2012
Spiderman loves camping May 17th, 2012
Startled at champagne pop May 17th, 2012
Hulk confused by Iron Man's low pricetag May 17th, 2012
Yellow Submarine May 17th, 2012