

May 17th, 2012   Michigan, USA

Andrea1957 has drawn 350 drawings and authored 370 captions across 720 games. They follow 11 players and have 14 followers. They've earned a total of 3,522 emotes!

Fortune cookie not equal to pizza May 19th, 2012
Cool Owl with a Virginia Slim May 19th, 2012
psychedelic star wants to kill! May 19th, 2012
wedding in the rain May 18th, 2012
Mickey Mouse takes up booze and smoking May 18th, 2012
Violent yet gentlemany golfer moves man May 18th, 2012
Mom's psychedelic cake May 18th, 2012
Tigger Pounces on Pooh May 18th, 2012
Hitler Simpson May 18th, 2012
Defeat the bats with farts. May 18th, 2012
Ghost singing karaoke May 17th, 2012
[ NSFW (18+) Game ] May 17th, 2012
Doctor inspects gun with stethoscope. May 17th, 2012
Art-afficionado-dino appraises art. May 17th, 2012