

May 17th, 2012   Modesto, California

BlueXanthos has drawn 18 drawings and authored 2 captions across 20 games. They follow 1 players and have 2 followers. They've earned a total of 25 emotes!

Flesh eating robot demands flesh to eat May 20th, 2012
Rebecca Black May 20th, 2012
El presidente dosn't need you, please go May 19th, 2012
robocop waving to a dog and a girl May 19th, 2012
Ticket labeled "2 girls 1 face" May 18th, 2012
simpson hitler (draw well) May 18th, 2012
Super Sonic level 4 May 18th, 2012
Curly Stache Man Shoots A Lady's Heart May 18th, 2012
Apple scares away Cthulhu May 18th, 2012
Ape from planet of the apes May 18th, 2012
Dinosaurs Return from Outer Space May 18th, 2012
man disturbed by internet image May 18th, 2012
Drawception = Ruined May 17th, 2012
Blue troll is intrigued... May 17th, 2012
Hieroglyphics for "almost radical corn" May 17th, 2012
Nude Couple Guy thinks he's number 1 May 17th, 2012
Transtesticle loves horrible music May 17th, 2012
Big Penalty May 17th, 2012