
Maxi Leverratto

May 20th, 2012   Montevideo

Maxi Leverratto has drawn 13 drawings and authored 28 captions across 41 games. They follow 3 players and have 3 followers. They've earned a total of 40 emotes!

lips Aug 15th, 2016
Puppy playing catch Nov 7th, 2012
man throws octopus at ninja May 23rd, 2012
pelican farted May 23rd, 2012
Guy tries to fly off into sunset; fails May 23rd, 2012
The Cake is a Lie May 23rd, 2012
Donna Corleone May 21st, 2012
photograph of heart getting punched May 20th, 2012
Two-Face can't decide where to eat. May 20th, 2012
angry man gets his fortune from head May 20th, 2012
Sims mod gone wrong May 20th, 2012
Trolling between Earth and the Sun May 20th, 2012
3 elegantly dressed green worms in lava May 20th, 2012