

May 23rd, 2012   Oregon

Ujjy has drawn 76 drawings and authored 60 captions across 136 games. They follow 5 players and have 5 followers. They've earned a total of 569 emotes!


Commented in the game Captain K'nuckles

Commented in the game the internet

Commented in the game Indiana Jones staring down a snake

Commented in the game listening to music

Commented in the game All Glory to the Seismitoad

Commented in the game LIFE IS A HIGHWAAAY

Commented in the game Afro Luffy is invincible

Commented in the game Sailor Mercury!

Commented in the game All glory to the hypnotoad

Commented in the game LIFE IS A HIGHWAAAY

Commented in the game Princess Mononoke

Commented in the game Kirby VS Ginger

Commented in the game Give her an X, B!tches love X

Commented in the game Give her an X, B!tches love X

Commented in the game Give her an X, B!tches love X

Commented in the game Pineapple eats gravy

Commented in the game they call me the Rapper

Commented in the game Duck season! Wabbit season!

Commented in the game A golden opportunity

Commented in the game Pumpkin pie.