

May 27th, 2012   US

Romana has drawn 27 drawings and authored 6 captions across 33 games. They follow 9 players and have 10 followers. They've earned a total of 89 emotes!


Commented in the game Jak & Dexter

Commented in the game DON'T PANIC

Commented in the game Spyro V.S. Spike: Mauve Dragon Duel

Commented in the game the TARDIS

Commented in the game Elephant's morning commute.

Commented in the game Elephant's morning commute.

Commented in the game nyan cat bullied by other cats :(

Commented in the game nyan cat bullied by other cats :(

Commented in the game Penguins On Pluto!

Commented in the game Dalek's Christmas

Commented in the game Eevee uses the phone to order pizza

Commented in the game Dunkey pets mayo

Commented in the game Penguins On Pluto!

Commented in the game Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

Commented in the game Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?