

June 6th, 2012

Jacob3248 has drawn 53 drawings and authored 78 captions across 131 games. They follow 0 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 126 emotes!

It's just a plank bro May 25th, 2017
Yellow dog with goggles refuses to look at bug May 25th, 2017
The new and improved, eggplant phone May 21st, 2017
A ghost holding a lantern May 21st, 2017
object in motion stays in motion May 20th, 2017
easter island head May 20th, 2017
Blue crayon that is saying words May 20th, 2017
Earthworms May 20th, 2017
Bone-Saw-What-You-Did-There May 19th, 2017
Pink Floyd Logo May 19th, 2017
not enough jazza May 19th, 2017
The Black Knight from Monty Python May 19th, 2017
Star Sapphire May 19th, 2017
car runs person over May 19th, 2017
suicidal spider finna overdose on painkillers May 19th, 2017
ragequit May 19th, 2017
Bee May 19th, 2017
anything about pokemon May 19th, 2017