Commented in the game The Best Fraggle
Commented in the game trouble muffin defeats nyan cat
Commented in the game Trouble Muffin wakes up in year 2099!
Commented in the game scott pilgrim
Commented in the game I'm so hungry I can eat the whole fridge
Commented in the game The typical Twilight fan
Commented in the game Tashy 497
Commented in the game Wallace and Gromit go to the cheese-moon
Commented in the game Too much coffee
Commented in the game The Greater
Commented in the game the land was full of elephants
Commented in the game Battlestar Galactica
Commented in the game The Great Lakes are Great!
Commented in the game Sweep the leg!
Commented in the game Finally meeting the moon babies.
Commented in the game Donut VS Lollipop
Commented in the game The Beatles crush Justin Biebers wedding
Commented in the game javin is a weirdo!!
Commented in the game Megaduck has trapped Launchpad McQuack
Commented in the game Troublemuffin/ET pwn Batman/Spiderman