

June 11th, 2012   Tucson, Arizona

Gravitee has drawn 13 drawings and authored 9 captions across 22 games. They follow 0 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 73 emotes!


Commented in the game if minecraft was made by EA

Commented in the game wiimote embedded in plasma tv

Commented in the game The Hungry Games

Commented in the game smell youself think

Commented in the game Bronies in a nutshell.

Commented in the game Supaplex

Commented in the game stay in the house Carl

Commented in the game Avengers on a Safari riding a cow

Commented in the game Batman punching the Easter Bunny

Commented in the game When It's Done

Commented in the game Train of Thought

Commented in the game wasteland 2

Commented in the game When a Pokemon mates with a Digimon

Commented in the game Ghostbusters explain twinkies

Commented in the game Snikt!