

June 20th, 2012   Fort Pierce, Florida

Kristopher382 has drawn 19 drawings and authored 68 captions across 87 games. They follow 0 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 116 emotes!

Goofy Jul 6th, 2012
Opposites attract Jul 5th, 2012
Hitler never skips Jun 27th, 2012
The Chrome. Jun 24th, 2012
sun rising, the sea became red Jun 24th, 2012
Bearded gnome goes crazy Jun 23rd, 2012
please say "YOLO" before kill urself Jun 23rd, 2012
Man wearing pizza stands on heads Jun 23rd, 2012
Smoking Cookie and Hot Dog Jun 23rd, 2012
Dolan watches animal husbandry Jun 23rd, 2012
Mystery pokemon is a rock Jun 22nd, 2012
familyguy DR removes cattipillar frm boy Jun 21st, 2012
For Science! Jun 21st, 2012
Kid gets locked in the basement Jun 21st, 2012
Littlebigplanet has hair and monster arm Jun 21st, 2012
Make Way for the Party Van Jun 21st, 2012
Justin Beiber plays on radio, hulk mad Jun 21st, 2012
A wag of the finger... Jun 21st, 2012