

July 13th, 2012   Riverside, California

DJA has drawn 115 drawings and authored 54 captions across 169 games. They follow 7 players and have 9 followers. They've earned a total of 556 emotes!

Adventure time - derp horse Jul 15th, 2012
Kitty unhappy about getting a bath! Jul 15th, 2012
Gizmo Jul 15th, 2012
punk chick does archery Jul 15th, 2012
The most disturbing birthday party ever Jul 15th, 2012
Hulk Smash Jul 15th, 2012
microwaving a car for 5:47 Jul 15th, 2012
yellow text, a weird bat, moon & red sky Jul 15th, 2012
Cowboy headshoots blue alien Jul 15th, 2012
failing arms man yells "let him[...]" Jul 15th, 2012
bear with red pokadotted backround Jul 15th, 2012
Handlebar moustache man is okay. Jul 15th, 2012
Gay rainbows Jul 15th, 2012
Chesticles Jul 15th, 2012
Cow puking world peace Jul 15th, 2012
Man getting tattooed on his butt by kid Jul 15th, 2012
Crap elephant drinks red guy's cum. Jul 15th, 2012
Aliens invade baseball game Jul 15th, 2012