

July 14th, 2012   Maricopa, Arizona

Antonio7491 has drawn 30 drawings and authored 27 captions across 57 games. They follow 1 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 128 emotes!


Commented in the game Bionic Banana teams up with T-Muffin

Commented in the game The Dark Knight Falls.

Commented in the game Unicorn escapes from dream

Commented in the game Super Obama Bros

Commented in the game War on Drugs

Commented in the game Cannibal the Musical

Commented in the game Tommy Wiseau

Commented in the game 50 Shades of Gay

Commented in the game Noatak

Commented in the game Noatak

Commented in the game A party at Gatsby's.

Commented in the game Elmo goes to jail for harassment

Commented in the game All your bases are belong to us

Commented in the game Happy Happy Joy Joy

Commented in the game fma vs naruto

Commented in the game Bombs away!