

July 17th, 2012

trskg has drawn 382 drawings and authored 342 captions across 724 games. They follow 35 players and have 15 followers. They've earned a total of 2,201 emotes!


Commented in the game Smol Nozoomy

Commented in the game "And Here We Go" -Joker

Commented in the game Alolan Meowth goes to prison

Commented in the game Sniper

Commented in the game GUESS WHAT???

Commented in the game Stop! You violated the law!

Commented in the game Sollux vs Eridan

Commented in the game 7 GRAND DAD

Commented in the game 7 GRAND DAD

Commented in the game Robbie Rotten eating Small Kittens

Commented in the game Michael Jackson

Commented in the game draw annything you want!

Commented in the game That reminds me of a puzzle...

Commented in the game Purple snake with a gun

Commented in the game Battle of Lexington & Concord

Commented in the game over the garden wall

Commented in the game Walking on the moon

Commented in the game this is sfw free draw!