

July 17th, 2012   California

John3855 has drawn 1,748 drawings and authored 601 captions across 2,349 games. They follow 89 players and have 303 followers. They've earned a total of 31,347 emotes!


Commented in the game Investor giving a Presentation

Commented in the game Trainer eating Hot Dish

Commented in the game Empire Today

Commented in the game Super Saiyan Yoda

Commented in the game he man vs Tails the Fox

Commented in the game Winnie the Pooh crossing the Road

Commented in the game Hypnotic marble statue

Commented in the game Mineta was finally arrested

Commented in the game Amoonguss

Commented in the game Angry Cougar

Commented in the game A very boring alderman...

Commented in the game garfield doom

Commented in the game Anime magician

Commented in the game Dio crying while eating a hamburger

Commented in the game Button on a Beach

Commented in the game Button on a Beach