

July 19th, 2012

iK has drawn 79 drawings and authored 64 captions across 143 games. They follow 1 players and have 2 followers. They've earned a total of 492 emotes!


Commented in the game Bulleta takes on Peacock

Commented in the game o cap'n! my cap'n!

Commented in the game Kamina

Commented in the game Mustang's Mustang

Commented in the game Gir in a Satanic Cult

Commented in the game Cloud Strife wielding a Scythe.

Commented in the game Chilling on the red planet.

Commented in the game EAT YOUR TOMATOES, CHIYO-CHAN

Commented in the game Commander Keen Dreams

Commented in the game ERROR 404

Commented in the game Alice in Disneyland

Commented in the game Skylanders

Commented in the game Bowie has a Bad Hair Day

Commented in the game BBQ Ribs

Commented in the game Master Chief lands on planet Pandora

Commented in the game Creativity