

August 11th, 2012   Pleasanton, California

Joe9985 has drawn 50 drawings and authored 38 captions across 88 games. They follow 0 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 200 emotes!


Commented in the game Go Right >

Commented in the game Bronies Unite!

Commented in the game Bronies Unite!

Commented in the game Aim for the bushes!

Commented in the game you say tomato i say tomato

Commented in the game Cthulhu vs Sexy Dragon Cow

Commented in the game Morgan Freeman vs Gordon Freeman

Commented in the game Nobody likes Rarity

Commented in the game mullet

Commented in the game Wolf Blitzer

Commented in the game T-rex's nipple lasers shoot a cake

Commented in the game DJ Raptor Jesus at a rave

Commented in the game T-rex's nipple lasers shoot a cake

Commented in the game Angry Birds London 2012 Edition

Commented in the game Anita Blake: Vampire Humper

Commented in the game George Costanza