

September 9th, 2012   ~Decomposition Series

Toyzor has drawn 665 drawings and authored 384 captions across 1,049 games. They follow 33 players and have 38 followers. They've earned a total of 5,323 emotes!


Commented in the game Decomposition of Kirby

Commented in the game something PIO worthy

Commented in the game Nothing

Commented in the game Nothing

Commented in the game Favourite PKMN Starter, P.I.O.

Commented in the game Favourite PKMN Starter, P.I.O.

Commented in the game Decomposition of Barney

Commented in the game something PIO worthy

Commented in the game Similarly-looking twins

Commented in the game 'Well excuuuuuuse me, Princess"

Commented in the game Decomposition of Barney

Commented in the game Decomposition of Barney

Commented in the game Bonsai Tree

Commented in the game Decomposition of Barney

Commented in the game jigglypuff used sing !!

Commented in the game jigglypuff used sing !!

Commented in the game jigglypuff used sing !!

Commented in the game jigglypuff used sing !!