

October 14th, 2012   Norway

Elincello has drawn 439 drawings and authored 453 captions across 892 games. They follow 168 players and have 101 followers. They've earned a total of 7,022 emotes!


Commented in the game Heeeeere's McGuyver!

Commented in the game book-birds

Commented in the game William Shakespeare

Commented in the game book-birds

Commented in the game Gansta' Candy W"rapper"

Commented in the game Link talks to the wise owl.

Commented in the game The Binding of Isaac

Commented in the game a dice, hittler and bullfrog

Commented in the game Deadpool vs. Iron Man

Commented in the game No one is Nicer than Eilsabet

Commented in the game Don Onion - Vegetarian rapper

Commented in the game Dalek

Commented in the game The worst cliché in the world

Commented in the game The worst cliché in the world

Commented in the game The worst cliché in the world

Commented in the game The worst cliché in the world