

October 14th, 2012   Norway

Elincello has drawn 401 drawings and authored 434 captions across 835 games. They follow 169 players and have 99 followers. They've earned a total of 6,748 emotes!


Commented in the game Protodile's birthday gift

Commented in the game Pini elves as Jason would draw them

Commented in the game The Smurf of Frankenstein

Commented in the game A painting of a displeased owl

Commented in the game Edgar Allan Poe

Commented in the game Dont' forget the crackers!

Commented in the game Gandhiman to the rescue!

Commented in the game Pikachu is everywhere on Drawception

Commented in the game Headcrab Zombie

Commented in the game Film Noir

Commented in the game Mr. T and Ice T share some tea

Commented in the game She turned me into a newt!

Commented in the game Quoth the Raven

Commented in the game Cthulhu noms Nyan cat

Commented in the game Cthulhu noms Nyan cat