

October 14th, 2012   Norway

Elincello has drawn 440 drawings and authored 457 captions across 897 games. They follow 168 players and have 101 followers. They've earned a total of 7,050 emotes!

Alice's Restaurant Nov 26th, 2012
The worst cliché in the world Nov 25th, 2012
LEGO: LotR finally released Nov 26th, 2012
Most boring day ever Nov 24th, 2012
Wolves at the door. Nov 25th, 2012
Worfthulu Nov 25th, 2012
Calvin and gruesome snowmen(calvin&hobs) Nov 25th, 2012
Earth rides a horse Nov 25th, 2012
White cat in snow Nov 25th, 2012
Shelob's Lair Nov 25th, 2012
So... much... turkey! Nov 25th, 2012
Captain Planet!!!!!!!!!!! Nov 25th, 2012
The Nightmare Before Christmas Nov 24th, 2012
Vortigaunt casino croupier Nov 24th, 2012
Dark Totoro is waiting Nov 24th, 2012
Oh, the weather outside is frightful! Nov 24th, 2012
Flying on the Wings of Steam Nov 24th, 2012
The Elephants by Dali Nov 24th, 2012