

October 19th, 2012   Finland

Miiksuu has drawn 11 drawings and authored 19 captions across 30 games. They follow 3 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 53 emotes!

Annoying orange knocks twice on a brown door Apr 22nd, 2014
Person is sad about volcano hat erupting Apr 21st, 2014
Bugs bunny takes selfie in the sky Apr 21st, 2014
pacman dies and becomes the moon Apr 21st, 2014
Man not happy about the bird on his head. Apr 20th, 2014
Homer Simpson Pouring Tea on Pokeball Apr 20th, 2014
Crab buried in sand is mad at the sun. Apr 19th, 2014
A purple pony wants to go to mars Apr 19th, 2014
Watching Football in the USA at 7:17 Apr 19th, 2014
Gingerbread Warrior is eaten by birds. Apr 19th, 2014
My Little Pony about to explode. Apr 19th, 2014